Thank you for taking a look at my photography blog! It means a great deal to me, and I greatly appreciate it. Let me take this opportunity to wish you a happy and photographically spectacular 2013!
I also wanted to give you a heads-up regarding my workshops and events that I’ve scheduled so far in 2013. As you may know, most of my workshops fill-up quickly, so if you are interested please register without delay to avoid disappointment.

Harold Davis 2013 Workshops and Events
- 2013.01.04—2013.01.05: Midwinter Print Fair, hosted by PHOTO, Fine Art Photography in Oakland, CA. Click for more information.
- 2013.01.12—HDR (High Dynamic Range) Bootcamp: Full Day Workshop with Harold Davis. This is a hands-on workshop that lays the foundation for many different kinds of photography.
- 2013.01.26—San Francisco Moonrise Adventure: hands-on workshop with Harold Davis (We have only two spaces left in this workshop, which is limited to five participants and a great place to get individualized photographic tutoring.)
- 2013.01.29—Presenting my work to the San Jose Photoshop Users Group at Adobe HQ; details TK.
- 2013.03.10—2013.03.15—Photograph Wildflowers in the Anza-Borrego Desert (click here for more information) Note: this workshop is full, a waiting list is available.
- 2013.04.28—2013.05.05—Photograph Paris with Harold Davis: Night, Black & White, and Spring Flowers Workshop (We have a few spaces left in this exciting workshop in Paris.)
“He who contemplates the depths of Paris is seized with vertigo. Nothing is more fantastic. Nothing is more tragic. Nothing is more sublime.”—Victor Hugo
- 2013.05.25—Full Moon Workshop: Photograph the Golden Gate Bridge Like You Never Have Before: hands-on adventure with Harold Davis (workshop full, waiting list available)
- 2013.05.26—Full Moon Workshop: Photograph the Golden Gate Bridge Like You Never Have Before (second session): hands-on adventure with Harold Davis
- 2013.06.07—2013.06.09—Monochromatic HDR Masterclass with Harold Davis in the Big Sur Landscape, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Details TK.
- 2013.08.2—2013.08.05—Dark of the Moon Night & Bristlecone Photography (click here for more information and here for registration). Workshop with co-teachers Steven Christenson and Eric Harness. Note: this workshop is filling up fast.
- 2013.12.07—2013.12.08—Photographing Flowers for Transparency: Two Day Workshop with Harold Davis—a unique opportunity to learn Harold’s techniques, workshop location is Berkeley, California.

I am asking for feedback on a couple of points. Please drop me an email with your input.
(1) I’m hoping to be able to give one or two free photographic events in the Bay area in 2013—where would you most like to see me lead a free shoot?
(2) Regarding the second half of 2013, what workshop topics and/or destinations would you most like to see me offer?
Based on feedback from Photography with Harold Davis members I am seriously considering (a) Advanced Composition; (b) Taking Your Photography to the Next Level; (c) Flower transparency workshop with more than one day so folks can fully complete their work; (d) Online (website) presentation of photography.
(3) If you could go anywhere in the world with me, where would it be?
(4) What would your level of interest be in a photographic workshop in China?
Very best wishes in photography,
Harold Davis