This is a photograph of the Paris skyline from May, 2016 I recently processed for a current project. I like the way it shows Paris as a city always in transition, with the old buildings, the Eiffel Tower, and construction cranes all in the same breath. I used the same textures in combination to process this image as I did in Florence and the Arno River, for a romantic look, almost like that of a Renaissance-era painting, but here a little more crisply than in the Italian image.
For all you lovers of things Parisian out there: Can you identify the location from which this image was photographed?

Exposure and processing info: Nikon D800, Zeiss Distagon 135mm f/2, 1/6,400 of a second at f/4 and ISO 100, hand held; multi-RAW process in ACR and Photoshop; finished using Photoshop, Nik Creative Efex Pro and Nik Viveza, Topaz Adjust, and Topaz Simplify; three texture files added.