Please come to our sheltering-in-place party on Sunday, September 27. BYOB (of course!). RSVP is required. The party starts at 2pm PT (5pm ET) and won’t be the same without you!
We are celebrating our photographic community and our upcoming 200th day of SIP (eeek!). So let’s party like it never ends! [only kidding about the never ending thing, but let’s party]
Please wear a costume if you feel like it (but not required). We do request clothing, at least where the webcam sees you!
BYOB and refreshments. There is no planned instruction (although you never know where Harold might segue way!). There will be plenty of talk about photography.
We really are all in this together!
As noted, this is a free event. Click here for more details, and here to register (RSVP).
Fireworks in Budapest (August, 2017): original blog post.