I’ll be presenting a full week of Creative Flower Photography—including Photographing Flowers for Transparency on a light box—at Maine Media Workshop in Rockport on the beautiful coast of Maine from August 2-8, 2015. Many of my east coast friends who have asked when I’ll be giving this workshop closer to them; if this is you, here is your chance. Since there are only 14 spots in the workshop, my suspicion is that it will fill fast. Click here for information and registration. I am really looking forward to photographing flowers with you on the coast of Maine in the summertime, when botanicals should be lush and gorgeous.

Workshop description: In this unique, 5-day workshop offering, Harold Davis shows the techniques he pioneered to create his floral masterpieces. Arrangement, composition, photography, and post-production will all be covered, as will Harold’s special techniques for shooting on a light box. In addition, several sessions will explore field floral photography, and alternative techniques related to the studio photography of flowers. Harold will also show his spectacular botanical prints in the context of a discussion of the best way to create prints of floral imagery.

Topics covered include:
- Understanding transparency and translucency
- Introduction to floral arrangement and composition
- Botanical art in the digital era
- Shooting florals in the field
- Creative field techniques
- Best practices in macro photography
- Shooting flowers on a dark background
- Shooting on a light box
- Understanding high-key post-production
- Working with Photoshop layers
- High-key HDR
- LAB color effects
- Backgrounds and textures
- Preparing to make floral pigment prints
- Tips & techniques from Harold Davis
- Implementing one’s own vision
Registration and info: August 2-8, 2015; limited to 14 participants; $1,245 workshop fee; link for information and registration.

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