Beyond Photography: Painterly Effects with Topaz
Presented by Harold Davis
Tuesday January 12, 2016 at 2PM Pacific Time
SORRY – THERE ARE NO MORE SPACES LEFT. This will be recorded and rebroadcast on YouTube and the Topaz site. If you were able to reserve a space, I suggest you logon early!
Cost: Free
Registration link
2016 is a ‘Year of the Monkey’—so in honor of this new year in which we can expect the unexpected let’s kick it off with an exciting presentation from master photographer and digital artist Harold Davis. This webinar begins with the premise that elegant digital art can be made using photos as the source material and applying tools including Topaz Adjust, Topaz Glow, Topaz Impression, Topaz Simplify, and Topaz Texture Effects. The idea is to go beyond photography and create imagery that has the freedom and wild expressiveness of fine art painting. Harold Davis will show you how to use the Topaz tools to unleash the power and creative freedom of your unbridled imagination!

There will be time for a Q&A session following the webinar presentation.
This is a free webinar presentation sponsored by Topaz Labs, but pre-registration is required. Click here to register.