Check out this wonderful interview with me in a podcast produced by Mid Century Books. Click here for the podcast, here for the Mid Century Books blog story, and here for The Photographer’s Black & White Handbook on the Mid Century Books website.

Here’s the description of the podcast: Internationally-known digital artist and award-winning photographer Harold Davis joins our podcast to discuss his 2017 book THE PHOTOGRAPHER’S BLACK AND WHITE HANDBOOK. Davis is a professional photographer, as well as teacher, world traveler, story teller, and he is a classically trained painter. A multi-published author, his writing is as evocative as his art, and this comes through in his visual style. In fact, he values writing so much, he calls himself a “photographer as poet.” He started his career in the New York art scene of the 1980s. Later, he spent time in California’s technology industry. Now Harold Davis heads his own studio in Berkeley, CA.
Part 1, What Should Be in a Photographer’s Backpack