We’re pleased to announce by popular demand a new session of Harold’s acclaimed Photographing Flowers for Transparency weekend workshop, to be held in Berkeley, CA Saturday and Sunday June 22 and 23, 2019. Enrollment is limited. Registration is now open on a first-come-first-served basis.
Click here for more information about this workshop, here for the Photographing Flowers for Transparency FAQ, and here for Harold’s upcoming event, workshop, and destination photo tour schedule. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
The Photographing Flowers for Transparency workshop is a great deal of fun, and covers Harold’s light box techniques as well as related topics (see the partial list below). If you are interested in Harold’s unique approaches, this is the best way to learn. Each participant will produce their own fully processed images following Harold’s lectures and demonstrations, and with Harold’s personal hands-on supervision.

Topics covered in the Photographing Flowers for Transparency Workshop include:
- Floral arrangement and composition
- Botanical art in the digital era
- Shooting on a light box
- Understanding high-key post-production
- Working with Photoshop layers
- High-key HDR
- LAB color effects
- Backgrounds and textures
- Preparing to make floral pigment prints
- Tips & techniques from Harold Davis
- Implementing one’s own vision

Here are what some participants in Harold’s recent Photographing Flowers for Transparency workshops have said:
- “Harold is unmatchable! An honor to be able to be able to have him as a mentor…. for photography and for life.”
- “AWESOME!!! Harold has a great teaching style, and it was great to learn some new shooting and post-processing techniques.”
- “Excellent!!! Recommend to anyone who wants to take their flower art to the next level.”
- “Amazing teacher! Patient, knowledgeable, thoughtful and sharing, easy to learn from. Looking forward to many more workshops with Harold! What a total gem… “

From Harold’s introductory note to workshop participants:
My belief is that folks learn most when they are hands-on, and having fun. So we will be doing a great deal of flower arrangement and flower photography—and I think along with new ways of seeing, you will learn some techniques, and ways of using your camera, that may not have occurred to you before.
These new approaches are great with flower photography, but also go way beyond floral subject matter, and are really applicable to many kinds of photography.
Besides floral photography, floral arrangement, working on a light box, and various kinds of special lighting effects, we will be exploring high-key HDR, post-production in Photoshop, backgrounds and textures, and LAB color, and much more. As you can see, it will be a very special, busy, and creative weekend!
Click here for more information about this workshop, here for the Photographing Flowers for Transparency FAQ, and here for Harold’s upcoming event, workshop, and destination photo tour schedule. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!