Here are three images from the “Eye Candy” files. Nautilus and Inversion (above, click on the image or here to view it larger) is a single photo of two halves of a nautilus shell on a white (light box) background. A duplicate of the image was converted to LAB color, with the L-channel then inverted. The version on the while background was then composited with the version on the black background. Two curls were added, suggesting that the white version has a black verso, and the black version a white verso.
Homage to the Grateful Dead, shown below, combines various elements, including a light box floral composition and a scan of black lace. As I created this in Photoshop I was inspired by the classical Dead recordings I was listening to with my headphones.
Petal World (below) is a multiple level light box composition, using inversions and fractilized copies of the original image to create a sense of depth via virtual “paper” curls.
Related stories: Gaillardia-gami; Play it again mit feeling; Dawn Chorus Unbound; Beginner’s Mind; Tacked to a Virtual Wall.
Jim Ruppel
25 Oct 2019Indeed.