Near Tehachapi, on the main road up from Bakersfield to Mojave, I saw the light was getting good as golden hour, still early with winter long nights, quickly approached. I swung into active-photographer mode, managed to execute a u-turn across the four-lane, semi-truck heavy traffic, and found an interesting little side road. This tree in the beautiful, glowing light was my (possibly just) reward.

Photographed with my Nikon D850, Zeiss 21mm Distagon, seven exposures from 1/100 of a second to one second, each exposure at f/22 and ISO 64, all exposures tripod mounted; exposures processed on the fly in my motel room in Mojave using Nik HDR Efex Pro, Photoshop, Nik Color Efex Pro, and Topaz Simplify.