What: All Things Photographic: An Online Question and Answer session with Harold & Phyllis Davis, with guest panelist Mark Brokering
When: Saturday May 30, 2020 at 11am PT. Duration between one and two hours
Where: On your computer or mobile device from anywhere via Zoom. This is a free webinar, but Zoom authenticated registration is required for security reasons. You must register in advance. The registration link is https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TK8gup-oTeqpvrNQ-Pz0aA.
Details: Please join us for a freewheeling question and answer session with Harold & Phyllis Davis covering all things photographic and post-production. Questions can be submitted in advance or in real time during the session via online chat. Mark Brokering will add his wit and wisdom as a panelist on the session.
Ask your questions! This discussion will cover all things photographic and post-production. We may even touch upon issues of philosophy, creative vision, and photographic narrative. Big or small, ask them all!
++ Questions can be submitted by real-time chat during the webinar.
++ Also, you can send questions in advance to phyllis [at] bearhome.com. **Please** put “All Things Photographic Question” in the subject of your email. Thanks!
We’ll do our best to answer your questions about all things artistic, photographic, and Photoshop!
This is a free webinar: This webinar is free, but requires prior registration. Seating (on a first come, first served basis) is limited. You must register via Zoom to be enrolled in this webinar! The registration link is https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TK8gup-oTeqpvrNQ-Pz0aA.
A lightly-edited recording of this Webinar will be posted following a time delay on our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnn_fjc44y07sa6ks-W8lCg

About Harold Davis: Harold Davis is a bestselling author of many books, including Creative Garden Photography from Rocky Nook, which can now be pre-ordered. He is the developer of a unique technique for photographing flowers for transparency, a Moab Master, and a Zeiss Ambassador. He is an internationally known photographer and a sought-after workshop leader. His website is www.digitalfieldguide.com.