Webinars this week: Flower Part 3 (April 30) and Creative LAB (Part 1) May 2

Click here to register for Photographing Flowers for Transparency Part 3: Processing a High-Key Layer Stack on Thursday April 30 2020 at 10am PT, and here to register for Creative LAB Color Part 1: Getting Started on Saturday May 2 2020 at 11am PT. Hope to see you there!

What: Photographing Flowers for Transparency | Part 3: Processing a High-Key Layer Stack

When:  Thursday April 30, 2020 at 10AM PT

Where: On your computer or mobile device from anywhere via Zoom.

Tuition and Registration:  Tuition is $19.95 and advance registration is required. Click here to register. Seats are limited.

Description: In this live webinar, Harold shows how to process and combine the high-key layer stacks of light box images photographing in the Photographing Flowers for Transparency (Floral Arrangement and Exposing) webinar. Topics covered include workflow, RAW processing, high-key HDR processing, layer stacks in Photoshop, masking, and how to avoid or mitigate the dreaded gray blur.

Clematis with Friends © Harold Davis

What: Creative LAB Color | Part 1: Getting Started

When:  Saturday May 2, 2020 at 11AM PT

Where: On your computer or mobile device from anywhere via Zoom.

Tuition and Registration:  Tuition is $19.95 and advance registration is required. Click here to register. Seats are limited.

Description: This detailed presentation shows you how LAB color works, and explains its implementation in Photoshop. You’ll learn about LAB channels, colors, and inversions. Harold will illustrate the webinar with step-by-step examples from his work, and show you how you can download and install his free Photoshop LAB action software. There will be time for Q&A.

Curled Epiphany © Harold Davis

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