To register for the Multi-RAW processing webinar on July 30, please click here. Please check out our other live webinar offerings by clicking here.
When it comes to digital photography, multi-RAW processing is a surprisingly universal, flexible, indispensable, and easy-to-use set of concepts and techniques—provided, of course, that you are saving your camera files in the RAW format. Every serious photographer should know about multi-RAW processing, and how to work with RAW files.
While by now it is pretty well understand that one can use the range of exposure possibilities inherent in a RAW file to extend the dynamic range of any image made using RAW, what is less widely known is that multi-RAW processing can also be used to selectively process other aspects of an image—for example, color and white balance.
In this webinar, I explain the key concepts behind multi-RAW, present some examples and scenarios in which using multi-RAW processing is both desirable and essential, and show the details of RAW processing in the real world.
To register for the Multi-RAW processing webinar on July 30, please click here. Please check out our other live webinar offerings by clicking here.

What: Multi-RAW Processing with Harold Davis
When: Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 10am PT. Duration between one and two hours, including Q&A
Where: On your computer or mobile device from anywhere via Zoom. Zoom authenticated registration and a tuition payment of $19.95 are required for enrollment. Seating is limited. The registration link is
Details: The modern RAW file has inherently has an incredible dynamic range from light to dark. The best way to access this flexibility when you need it is via multi-RAW processing.
In this Webinar, Harold shows the possibilities of multi-RAW processing, when it makes sense to use, and discusses potential pitfalls. As a very real competitor to HDR processing, multi-RAW should be in every photographer’s toolkit. Harold will show a number of scenarios where multi-RAW makes sense, and provide step-by-step real world examples.
There will be ample time for Q&A.
Tuition: The tuition for this webinar is $19.95, and requires prior registration. Seating (on a first come, first served basis) is limited. You must register via Zoom to be enrolled in this webinar! The registration link is
A lightly-edited recording of this Webinar will be posted following a time delay on the Harold Davis Photography YouTube channel.

About Harold Davis: Harold Davis is a bestselling author of many books, including most recently Creative Garden Photography from Rocky Nook, which can now be pre-ordered. He is the developer of a unique technique for photographing flowers for transparency, a Moab Master, and a Zeiss Ambassador. He is an internationally known photographer and a sought-after workshop leader. His website is