Phyllis and I have been experimenting with various forms of e-Publication. DAM: Be the Boss of Your Photos is our first straight-to-Kindle publication. As you probably know, there’s a Kindle reader
for every device—you don’t have to just read this on the Kindle, you can read it on your computer or your iPad if you prefer to see it in color!
Digital Workflow: Using Digital Asset Management (DAM) to Become the Boss of Your Photos is the succinct story of the mechanics of what I do with my photos after I press the shutter: getting the photo files to my computer, filing the RAW source files, archiving work-in-progress, archiving final image files, finding files when there is a photo request, and making sure that my fragile digital archives are safe. This may not be sexy stuff, but it is important. My approach is straightforward, bearing in mind that I tend to prefer to figure things out for myself rather than letting software make my decisions.
We’ve priced DAM: Be the Boss of Your Photos as absolutely low as Amazon would let us, the download costs only $2.99. If you do read it, please let me know what you think.
16 Feb 2011Hello Harold,
i’ve see on amazon but the price is $5,74 and not 2.99.
There are additional information about the Dam in this edition by comparison the information in “the photoshop darkroom 1 e 2”?.
Thank you in advanced.
Harold Davis
16 Feb 2011Dear Antonio,
I am puzzled by the $5.74 price. I see it in the Amazon US store for $2.99, and I see it in Amazon UK for 2.14 pounds. Could you please send me the link to the $5.74 price so we can figure this out? Thanks. I wouldn’t want to see it sold for more than $2.99.
This is somewhat different information than in the Photoshop Darkroom books, because the PD books are about Photoshop, not file management. But you may know some of the material in the DAM e-book already. It is more like an article than an entire book.
Best wishes,
Harold Davis
16 Feb 2011Question from a reader:
Q: There doesn’t seem to be a purchase for just downloading to a computer and not a device on the Amazon link in your email about your new ebook. I would really like to get it, but am a bit confused as to if I can do so for simple download to my home, main computer(Mac). Could you please advise me on this?
A: Regarding downloading my DAM article, there is good news and bad news! The bad news is that this version can only be played on Amazon’s Kindle. The good news is that there is a free Kindle player you can download for your Mac. Here’s the download link: BTW – free Kindle downloads are also available for PCs, iPads, and other devices.
20 Feb 2011Harold,
Dam, that is good information and for only $2.99. It was worth the 2.99 just to figure out Kindle on the PC, something that I have been meaning to do.
Thanks, Ed