Learn Photoshop this year

Make this the year that you finally learn Photoshop! It's time to bend Photoshop to your creative will. Whether you want to enhance your existing digital workflow, create black and…


Out with the Old

As the new year approaches I am reminded of the saying "Out with the old, in with the new." As an immigrant to California, this truly resonates for me because---as has…


Samadhi Mudra

The hand gestures of representations of Budhha are significant, and have specific meanings. The Dhyana mudra (hand gesture of Buddha), also called the Samadhi mudra, is shown in the photo below.…


Harold Davis Photography Workshops in 2014

I hope to see you at a photography workshop in 2014. I have the following workshops scheduled for 2014: 2014.01.25—2014.01.26—Mastering Creative Photoshop: The Way of the Digital Photographer—This workshop covers…


Red red rose

As many times as I photograph roses I never have enough! There is always a different way to approach a rose, or any other flower for that matter. Verily, there…


As time goes by

At first glance, this image has been mistaken for an iPhone shot (after the pattern of the special effects iPhone photos in my iPhonographie de Paris). The banks of the…

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3,600 Peaks of Kumano

During a short break in the very wet weather, from Hyakken-gura, a lookout high on the Kumano kodo, I shot this panorama of the "Kumano Sanzen Roppyaku Po"---which translates to "view…

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