New prints from Harold Davis

I am writing this story to let you know about an exciting new development.  Thanks to new advanced technology, I am now able to create hand-crafted images up to 44 x 72 inches, printing them on…

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Cable Car Wheels

Wandering downtown San Francisco with two photographic companions we decided to visit the San Francisco Cable Car Museum. This turned out to be a great location for monochromatic HDR photography.…


Natural Jewelry

If you've been following my blog or my Flickr stream you may have noticed more than the usual proportion of extreme macro shots involving waterdrops. Well, I do love shooting…

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Ginger Leaf

On a walk around the block with the kids yesterday I saw this translucent wild ginger leaf. I snipped it, brought it home, and shot it on my lightbox. This…


Duet of Daffodils

Traditionally, when daffodils bloom it is a harbinger of spring. In a famous poem, William Wordsworth described a group of daffodils encountered on a walk with his sister in England's Lake District this…



We've been making large prints with our new Epson 9900 printer. So far we are just getting to know what it can do, and are experimenting with unusual paper surfaces…


Crashing Waves

Many things crash. Property that is overvalued. Waves on a storm-tossed sea. Computers that have outlasted their normal lifespan.     Thus it was that my old Windows computer died…


Floral Arrangements

I've had a little time lately to shoot more flowers on white. These two floral arrangements feature orchids---buying them for photography seemed a little expensive at the time, but in…


Thistle While You Workshop

Arlington Avenue is a divided street that runs a block away from my home from Marin Circle in North Berkeley to downtown Kensington, California---a quaint low-key strip that hosts a…

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Cherry Dance

Cherry Dance is manifestly a digital art creation. This collage combines a photo of blossoms on a cherry branch with two flat-bed scans of paper---using Photoshop to create a whole that resembles…

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