Getting Off Automatic
As a professional photographer I almost always use my camera in manual exposure mode. Most of the time I have no use for programmed automatic or semi-automatic modes---or, God forbid, one…
As a professional photographer I almost always use my camera in manual exposure mode. Most of the time I have no use for programmed automatic or semi-automatic modes---or, God forbid, one…
To create these images, I arranged flowers on a lightbox that was proportionally much wider than it was tall. Next, I shot straight down with a macro lens, bracketing for…
Over the winter holidays I took our boys on a "field trip" to Fort Ross State Historic Park. Fort Ross marks the furthest point south of the expansion of the…
This is a shot of professional model Liz Ashley. The lighting is from one strobe, hand-held to the left of the camera.
In the dead of winter there's not much color, even in California's usually highly saturated gardens. The Tilden Park Botanic Garden emphasizes California native plants. It's always a wonderful place…
On Christmas Day I calculated that from the summit of Wildcat Peak the sun would set directly behind the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge. This seemed like a great excuse…
Phyllis and I are pleased and excited to see Photography with Harold Davis so active. After only a few months we are now up to 460 members. We never expected…
Court jester or social conscience? You'll find successful artists whose work falls into both these categories. For example, Jeff Koons is an intellectual light-weight who subcontracts out the actual construction…
The Paperwhite, Narcissus papyraceus, is a small white flower related to the Daffodil. Grown from a bulb, the plant is originally from the Mediterranean basin. It's commonly thought of as…
The eye believes what it thinks it sees. This allows us to enjoy magic shows, movies, and two-dimensional art such as painting and photography. Any two-dimensional representation of three dimensions…
We've had a spate of minor---but surprisingly expensive---plumbing repairs recently. I took advantage of one of these to shoot our new kitchen faucet with my 200mm macro lens. Who knew…
This is an HDR image of the Berkeley Pier, the site of the Free Walk-and-Talk with Harold Davis on Saturday, December 17 at 4:00PM. Please consider joining us. Berkeley Pier…
Please join Harold Davis for three days of inspirational photography at Green Gulch Farm. This workshop runs from 5PM Friday August 3, 2012 through 10AM Monday August 6, 2012, and includes…
I’m often asked in workshops I lead where I get my inspiration and ideas for photography. I like to respond that “inspiration is not a tame lion.” This is a…
Phyllis and I were lucky earlier this week to spend a few hours at Green Gulch Farm. Green Gulch Farm Zen Center, also known as Green Dragon Temple (Soryu-ji), is a…
From my viewpoint on the edge of the eastern Sierra the distant mountains were invisible---hidden in a dense swirl of fog and cloud. I waited a while. For an instant…
I arrived early for a workshop I was leading in Bear Valley, the park headquarters for Point Reyes National Seashore. As soon as I parked my car I noticed a…
According to a recent New York Times article, scientific studies have shown that expressing gratitude can improve one's health and lead to less anxiety and depression. Also, as the article puts…