Painting of Coney Island Beach
This is a detail of an oil painting of Coney Island Beach by my grandfather Harry Davis, circa 1940. Clearly, no masks are being worn. Will we ever crowd together…
This is a detail of an oil painting of Coney Island Beach by my grandfather Harry Davis, circa 1940. Clearly, no masks are being worn. Will we ever crowd together…
Please bring your questions to Creating Artists Books and Portfolios, a webinar scheduled for Saturday March 13, 2021 at 11am PT. Or send your questions to us in advance. This…
In honor of World Book Day March 4---Hashtag #WorldBookDay---here are some of our books. Also, tomorrow is #PandemicFU day for me personally as I will be two weeks out from…
Please consider joining us on Saturday March 6, 2021 for The Black & White Still Life. In this detailed presentation, I'll explains how to find and create black and white…
I spent some time over the last few days going through my archives for 2019, and processing images that I had somehow overlooked. 2019 was, of course, the last pre-pandemic…
What: Harold & Phyllis Davis are proud to present One Flower, One Garden, One World | From Blossom to Art When: Saturday May 15, 2021 at 11AM PT. Where: Zoom…
Rhapsody in Blue Color Me Purple Better Red Go Green Mellow Yellow Outrageous Orange
Please consider joining us for Photographing Flowers for Transparency | Composition and Photography on Saturday February 27, 2021 at 11am PT. In this webinar, I'll start by recapping the basics…
Did you miss the first session of Processing Black & White: Landscape and Architecture? No worries, the webinar video has been posted (or do you just want a review?). Easy…
Processing Black & White: Landscape and Architecture #2 is scheduled for this Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 11:00am PT. Click here for registration, and here for more information. I'm very…
In this pandemic year, amorous propensities may not be running high, and the ability to deliver romantic tchotkes is diminished. But I think Valentine's Day is sweet. The world could…
We're pleased to be able to offer my Monochromatic Visions Portfolio at a still fairly affordable price ($1200). There are only two portfolios left at this price. The twelve images…