Sunflowers on Blue Velvet

It's nice to pair a bouquet of yellow sunflowers with lush, blue velvet. The sunflower petals have been touched slightly with the Photoshop Oil Painting filter to add a little…

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Velvet Backgrounds

Good photographic composition demands paying attention to backgrounds as well as foregrounds. It's a truism among photographic educators that beginners neglect backgrounds in favor of foregrounds. This is particularly the…


New Light Box Work

Happy to have fun playing with flowers on my light box. These recent compositions are partly made from"store bought" flowers, and partly from my garden's flowers. We're beginning to enter…


Spiral of Flower Karma

To create this image, I soaked some chrysanthemum flowers (just the blossoms) and alstromeria (Peruvian Lily) petals overnight to make the flowers pliable. The fuchsias come fresh from my garden.…


Through a Glass Lightly

Please consider joining us for Photographing Bottled Light on Thursday, October 29 at 10am PT via Zoom.  How creative can get you get with colored liquid, sunshine, some glass bottles,…

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