Coming Up Soon! And, hanging in there…
I hope everyone is doing well, and hanging in there (as we are). We have four kids doing distance learning from home (two in college, one in high school, and…
I hope everyone is doing well, and hanging in there (as we are). We have four kids doing distance learning from home (two in college, one in high school, and…
I'd like to remind potential print collectors that we are still offering a "pandemic" print special (please click the link for the details of our offer). Of course, we are…
I am very pleased and thankful for the positive reviews of our new book Creative Garden Photography on the publisher's website and on Amazon. These reviews are tremendously helpful to…
Thanks to you---our photography community---and the very special panelists, photographers Jennifer King and Alan Shapiro, we were able to contribute $839.08 to the NAACP. Thanks again! If you weren't in…
I spent much of yesterday creating this Starfish Mandala designed on my light box (the LAB inversion is shown above on black, and the "straight" light box version below). Yesterday…
Hawk Feather and Dried Sunflower (in black and white) and the detail of the Hawk Feather (in color, below) were photographed using low-key HDR on a black velvet cloth. I…
Phyllis and I are proud to present Master Photographer Panel with Jennifer King and Alan Shapiro on this coming Saturday (October 10, 2020) via Zoom. The tuition for the event…
Phyllis likes to say that the past is a different country. Certainly, in this time in which we cannot travel to other countries, the past and different countries have in…
I had a little down-time today, and I did something I've wanted to do for quite a while: organized most of my Mandala images into a single album on Flickr.…
"Sharpness is a Bourgeois Concept," declared Henri Cartier-Bresson. What did iconic photographer Cartier-Bresson mean, and why is this a humorous remark? To find our why, consider attending this Saturday's Photography and…
Today the sun rose red through the haze of the air polluted with smoke from the wildfires. Outside, the air has an acrid unpleasant taste on the back of one's…
This coming Saturday we'll be hosting Photography and Writing: Using Your Words To Become a Better Photographer. Ansel Adams once wrote that the most important tool in his camera bag…
We're very pleased and excited to donate $762.80 to Equal Justice Initiative. Special thanks to those who made it possible, including our Prints and Printmaking webinar participants, Moab Paper, Marc…
What: Bringing Garden Photography Indoors with Harold Davis [Free Webinar sponsored by Rocky Nook] When: Wednesday September 30, 2020 at 11:00am PT. Duration between one and two hours, including Q&A…
This is a cross-section of one our tomatoes harvested from our raised-bed garden, photographed on my light box. But for the pandemic, I probably never would have been growing vegetables---so…
I created this image during the 2019 fire season, using a marble, direct sunlight, and a small loose glass lens for the refractions (the simulated fire). I suppose the image…
Please consider joining us this Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 11am PT for our very special and distinctly somewhat offbeat webinar noir. Noir is black, or dark. So “noir” can…