Accordion Player

Winding down the steep, narrow streets of the medieval Sicilian town of Cefalu towards the seaward ramparts, I could hear faintly some rather delicious accordion music. Getting closer, he sat…


Rotunda of Mosta

Here's another fisheye lens view of the interior of the Rotunda of Mosta---where the bomb fell through during WWII without detonating, or harming the assembled congregation!


Mosta Dome

This is the interior of the dome in the church located in Mosta, Malta. I photographed it with a circular fisheye lens, specifically the Nikkor 8-15mm at the roundest and…

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Wandering in Valletta

Today I wandered in Valletta, Malta. This is a wonderful and extraordinary place to wander with layer upon layer of things to look at and photograph. The whole capital city…


Goodbye Paris

It is with some degree of melancholy that I say goodbye to Paris for this time, as I have "sailed" to warmer climes. The Maltese Islands are a different universe,…


Abstracting Sacré-Cœur

High atop the hill of Montmartre sits the cathedral of Sacré-Cœur---which, as I've pointed out before, is emblematic (when constructed) of a hard-right quasi-fascism as encouraged by the Church. From a…


View of Paris from my room

My garret room in Montmartre is part way up the hill to Sacré-Cœur.  Under the hotel eaves, the room is on the sixth floor (fifth floor by European reckoning), and small.…

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At sunset, the crescent moon reflected in the intertidal flats. The moon does not produce light. We see the moon because of reflected sunlight. In this photo, only the crescent…


Crepuscular Coast

The sun coming over the mountains, and fog rising from the ocean, combined in crepuscular rays to first illuminate the coastal bridge and then with chiaroscuro light the rocky shore.…

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