Matilija Poppies and Friends

The wonderful Matilija Poppies, Romneya coulteri, are in full bloom in the East Bay hills across the water from San Francisco, California. White, platter-sized translucent flowers dominate a tall stem…

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Peonies on White (bottom) is a photo composite created from 18 individual 36MP captures on a light box photographed for transparency. Peonies on Black (top) is an LAB L-channel adjustment (an…

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Back to the Flowers

I've been in Europe (rural southwestern France, and then Paris) for most of the past month, which has blissfully enabled me to avoid American politics. Except when I admitted to…


Ranunculi in a Blue Bowl

Ranunculi is the plural of ranunculus and I think makes a better plural for this wonderful flower than "ranunculuses." By whatever plural form, Ranunculi in a Blue Bowl forms the third…


Kerry’s Bouquet

It's a great pleasure to have a surprise bouquet of flowers show up on our front porch---perhaps particularly when one has really done nothing to merit the sumptuous arrangement. If…


Spring Wreath

Here's a spring wreath of flowers composed on my light box for you to enjoy! Happy spring! Interested in how I made this image? Please consider my Photographing Flowers for…


Wheel of Flowers

This is a fairly regular, patterned image using cymbidium orchids on the outer most ring. Daffodils are next, with irises forming the inner circle around a single red tulip blossom.…


Stargazer Lilies

I photographed these Stargazer Lilies on a light box to show them on a white background. With one version (above) I added them in Photoshop to a scanned paper background.…


Pentaptych of Tulip Petals

Inspecting some pink tulips the other day, I noticed that the demarcation behind petals and leaves was not as clear as I had thought it would be. With this flower,…

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