
The North Berkeley farmer's market, on a stretch of streets sometimes known as the "gourmet ghetto," is certified organic throughout. Cruising with my camera, I spotted a flower vendor, Thomas Farm,…


Papaver Solo

I've been spending time in my garden this week, getting it ready for spring. Actually, around here it is spring already, with sunny weather in the sixties. My poppy seedlings…


Hot off the press

The pages of Botanique---my hand made, limited edition artist book---have all been printed. Some of them are shown here on the table formerly known as our dining room table. You…


Star Magnolia

This Magnolia stellata was clipped from a flowering hedge in my neighborhood that borders a major avenue and photographed for maximum translucency. It makes a great print on Kozo washi…

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Hellebore Stems

A collector just ordered a copy of my Hellebore Stems (shown below). Originally, I shot the hellebores on a white background. To print the image on Moenkopi Kozo Washi I…


White Dalhias

Shot on a lightbox at the same session as When Dahlias Dream, my thought in processing White Dahlias was to create an image that showed its photographic heritage with a…

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When Dahlias Dream

Shopping for groceries at Berkeley Bowl the other day I came across these dahlias and asters that called out for photography. Taking the flowers home, I shot them on a…


Purple Dahlias

I love to photograph dahlias---and, as I wrote in Photographing Flowers, it is "not for their good taste. Rather, I see these flowers as extravagant: wonderfully different from each other, and wild…


Peonies and Matilija Poppies

The Vertical Panoramic Format I've been creating a number of horizontal floral panoramics, for example my Star Magnolia Panorama and Floral Tapestries, but this image, Peonies and Matilija Poppies, is my first…


Pretty Peonies on Unryu

This is an arrangement of Peonies, Hydrangeas, and Campanulas---mainly Peonies---arranged on my lightbox and shot straight down in pieces. Each piece was shot using high-key HDR, with ten bracketed exposures.…

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