Pretty Peonies on Unryu

This is an arrangement of Peonies, Hydrangeas, and Campanulas---mainly Peonies---arranged on my lightbox and shot straight down in pieces. Each piece was shot using high-key HDR, with ten bracketed exposures.…


Peonies mon amour

At this time of year some flowers are too special not to photograph. In that spirit, I've been having a great time the last few days photographing peonies. These flowers…


Ghost Flowers

I noticed some white "Iceberg" roses growing in a corner of my garden. Their lovely white-on-white shapes truly appealed to me, but I knew all the whiteness would cause difficulties…

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The tulips were strongly backlit by the sun. The flowers were also swaying to and fro in a swift breeze. With my 200mm telephoto macro lens mounted on a tripod…

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Like my Star Magnolia Panorama, I shot these Clematis flowers using a lightbox as the background. The image was shot in three pieces, each piece an HDR blend of six…


Sunflowers on Black

It's hard not to love sunflowers. Sunflowers are a sunny flower. It's in the name, and also in the big, yellow, platter-sized flowers. They are artistic and often painted by…


Duet of Daffodils

Traditionally, when daffodils bloom it is a harbinger of spring. In a famous poem, William Wordsworth described a group of daffodils encountered on a walk with his sister in England's Lake District this…


Floral Arrangements

I've had a little time lately to shoot more flowers on white. These two floral arrangements feature orchids---buying them for photography seemed a little expensive at the time, but in…


Cherry Dance

Cherry Dance is manifestly a digital art creation. This collage combines a photo of blossoms on a cherry branch with two flat-bed scans of paper---using Photoshop to create a whole that resembles…

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Floral Tapestries

To create these images, I arranged flowers on a lightbox that was proportionally much wider than it was tall. Next, I shot straight down with a macro lens, bracketing for…


Scabiosa Pods and Fern

Possibly I am obsessed. The same set of shooting and post-production techniques that work to make imagery of glassware look something like antique drawings also work on ferns and seed…

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