digital photography: techniques: thoughts: photographs

Echinacea Peeking

I photographed this echinacea (cone flower) peeking through the translucent white rose petals shown in Back to the Flowers with my 200mm telephoto macro lens and a 12mm extension tube. The…

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Back to the Flowers

I've been in Europe (rural southwestern France, and then Paris) for most of the past month, which has blissfully enabled me to avoid American politics. Except when I admitted to…



Technically speaking, a fetish is defined as "an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit." I photographed the…

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Looking Up

Sometimes a view from underneath looking up is a great way to present an unusual composition, and interesting light. People don't look up nearly enough! Some cases in point: Here…


Ranunculi in a Blue Bowl

Ranunculi is the plural of ranunculus and I think makes a better plural for this wonderful flower than "ranunculuses." By whatever plural form, Ranunculi in a Blue Bowl forms the third…


Punch Bowl

This image looking down on a glass bowl is one of a series of fractal-like images I've made that are constructed by adding the initial image to successively reduced versions…

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