digital photography: techniques: thoughts: photographs

On Critics and Criticism

In his recent book Marketing Fine Art Photography (Rocky Nook, 2011) photographer Alan Briot suggests that "it will be those who are discontent, displeased, or upset by what you do…

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Thistle while you work

Things have been getting a little thorny around here as we come in on the final design, editing, and production tasks involving my new book from Focal Press, Photographing Flowers.…


And the Winners Are…

Judging the landscape photography contest organized by Light Stalking has proved to be no easy task due to the formidable quality of the entries. The winning three photographers were to…

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I shot this orchid on our front porch using a wood log as the background. It was late afternoon---or early evening---and I shot the flowers in deep shade. As I…

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It's amazing how everyday objects can take on associations that are very different from the mundane reality. Seeing these different realities is a matter of letting go of familarity. To…


Shooting Duds

From my email bag: "I recently bought several of your books in order to learn something and I got really intrigued by Creative Night and night photography. Here's my question:…



Mathew is my almost-seven-year-old son. Sometimes he is a ball of energy and sometimes he is abrasive. Often he is full of love and affection and wonder at the world…

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Digital Black & White Workshop

Please consider joining me for a hands-on black and white weekend workshop in beautiful Carmel, California, from Friday October 14 through Sunday, October 16, 2011 under the auspices of the Center for Photographic Art…



There's much water under the bridge since I started blogging about photography in 2005. Photography, kids, books, and adventures have all happened in the time that has passed. Katie Rose…


Green Temple

Want to try an interesting experiment in photography? Limit yourself to a single fixed-focal length lens shot pretty much wide open for minimal depth-of-field, and see what kinds of interesting…

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