digital photography: techniques: thoughts: photographs

Steam Train

I was photographing some derelict factory buildings in La Jara, Colorado, when a natty gentleman came out of the mostly disused train station beside the overgrown train tracks. He was…

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Bottle Collection

Today we photographed many beautiful and magical things---like the glass bottle collection shown here, and continuing to a very wonderful and rather weird historical fire-engine-restoration workshop. I'll show the fire…

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Coming into Maine

Coming into Maine in the cool of the evening, I spent my first night in Maine in a cabin off-the-grid on the verge of the great northern forest. I woke…

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Helichrysum bracteatum

I photographed this Helichrysum bracteatum (strawflower) blossom on my light box (far below), then inverted the image in LAB Color, and converted to monochromatic (directly below). I'm headed tomorrow to…


Seize the Day

Having been occupied by family matters lately, it is hard to make the time for flower photography. Work on a light box does not respond well to impatience. The time…


Household Magic

When you look at everyday, household objects with fresh eyes, it is possible to see their magic. For example, someone told me the image below (Jaws Inversion) looks like a…


Dahlia Daze

As summer becomes full and the days of July rush by, the dahlias are in bloom. Each dalia is different, a unique world unto itself. Some of them remind me…

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Artichokes are good to eat. They are a real treat. You peel the leaves to the "meat" inside, in a spiral motion that echoes the visual path in this great,…


Summer Bouquet

As the official start to summer swings into gear, how wonderful to arrange a light box bouquet. The bouquet is anchored with two-week Iris (also called "Fortnight Lily," Dietes iridioides, a…

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