Proofing in Bed

I know that many things are done in bed, but I think it is kind of unusual to review the proofs for a book in that location. But Phyllis is…

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Green Dragonfly

Dragonfly 4, photo by Harold Davis. View this image larger. By popular request, here's a predominantly green version of the third dragonfly photogram. Related images: Dragonfly; Dragonfly Variation; The Third…


Castle Cake

Castle Cake, photo by Harold Davis. View this image larger. Phyllis made this castle cake for Julian's tenth birthday party using a mold she got from King Arthur Flour. The…

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No Time to Be Lost

I'm reading the wonderful Aubrey-Maturin series of sea stories aloud to my oldest son, Julian. If you stick around "lucky" Captain Jack Aubrey, you'll surely come to recognize his motto,…

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