View from Indian Rock
View from Indian Rock, photo by Harold Davis. Indian Rock is one of my favorite spots at sunset, with its views of the Golden Gate and Mount Tamalpais. It's an…
View from Indian Rock, photo by Harold Davis. Indian Rock is one of my favorite spots at sunset, with its views of the Golden Gate and Mount Tamalpais. It's an…
Here are Mathew, Julian, and Nicky on the post-Halloween sugar-rush sleigh ride! Related post: Halloween 2005.
Opening Flower, photo by Harold Davis. Flowers look different when they haven't fully opened...
Viola, photo by Harold Davis. More photography in my garden today! This is very close up, with the 105mm macro and 36mm extension tube (it's a small flower).
I wouldn't want to get snarky with this snapdragon, which I found and photographed in our garden today. It's funny when you point your lens and something really small how…
Jolly Pirates, photo by Harold Davis. Happy halloween 2005, jolly pirates, bumble bee and all other revellers! Halloween is a pretty quiet, family event in our neighborhood. The teenagers mostly…
Digital Fisheye Universe, photo by Harold Davis. I often get questions from readers about what digital cameras they should buy. There's no one answer, of course. It depends on many…
Lake Tenaya Reflections, photo by Harold Davis. This is post number two hundred on my Photoblog 2.0. To mark this milestone, I am offering to send a free copy of…
Golden Gate Sunset, photo by Harold Davis. The weather has been just beautiful here the last few days. Crystal clear days. Beautiful sunsets. This photo was taken from above the…
Devil Truck, photo by Harold Davis. This truck was apparently delivering bottles of Coca Cola when it was hijacked by the devil along with assorted cronies, ghouls, and demons. Very…
A reader writes: "I enjoy regularly reading your photoblog, and have learned much about digital photography from your book [Digital Photography Digital Field Guide], but enough with these iris pictures.…
San Francisco Morning, photo by Harold Davis. We drop off Nicky at Step One, his pre-school, and then drive along Grizzly Boulevard until we are above Oakland. Dropping down behind…
Winged Iris, photo by Harold Davis. Irises here, there, and everywhere. I am enjoying photographing this very special flower, it is one of my favorites. The Iris petals in this…
I like saying that digital photography is a cyborg: one part photography and one part computer. To be a good digital photographer, you should be skilled at both parts of…
Iris Tongue, photo by Harold Davis. I am continuing to photograph the irises today. They are so beautiful, and look good when positioned with a red lily for background color.…
Whale Song of the Iris, photo by Harold Davis. Phyllis got me some fresh Iris (from Trader Joe's, not our garden!) and I've been photographing them as they open...
Cyclamen Wet, photo by Harold Davis. Nicky always loves gardening with me, or at least his idea of gardening with me. Which I think means we both put on our…
Fiberoptic Pumpkin, photo by Harold Davis. Soon comes the day of Halloween, which means in our house it's time to trot out the fiberoptic pumpkin! I bought this thing at…