Orange Zinnia

Orange Zinnia, photo by Harold Davis. This is one of the series of close macros I shot in my garden with my macro lens and 6X combined extension tubes. The…



Tea, photo by Harold Davis. The kids go down between eight and nine PM. There are three boys, and usually a fair amount of protest, fuss and cacophony. They do…


Wet Rose

Wet Rose, photo by Harold Davis. This rose in my garden is like a young child - just about to open! Taken with my 105mm macro lens using one of…


Portrait of Nicky

Portrait of Nicky, photo by Harold Davis. Looking through my photo archives, it seems to me that I take many pictures of Julian (my oldest son, who often comes with…

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Babe in Basket

Babe in Basket, photo by Harold Davis. I couldn't resist posting this picture of our cute Mathew Gabriel from about six months ago... More photos of my kids (refresh your…

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