Purple Dahlias
I love to photograph dahlias---and, as I wrote in Photographing Flowers, it is "not for their good taste. Rather, I see these flowers as extravagant: wonderfully different from each other, and wild…
I love to photograph dahlias---and, as I wrote in Photographing Flowers, it is "not for their good taste. Rather, I see these flowers as extravagant: wonderfully different from each other, and wild…
Shooting the other day at Blake Garden I notice a glorious stand of red poppies. I asked for permission to cut a bunch and bring them home to my studio,…
I never know when that moment of revelation is going to strike. It is kind of like an "aha" feeling---but a little bit different, both more and less. I'm plodding…
I've added three new galleries to my website: Landscapes Models Floral Tapestries Enjoy!
It rained heavily in the afternoon. I went out to shoot waterdrops in the garden at dusk after the rain had stopped. This dragonfly was sitting on an Iris, and…
If you follow my work, you probably have figured out that both this blog and my Flickr photostream reflect current projects. For example, if you see a great deal of…
The Papaver Rhoeas in my garden called out for some complimentary colors, so I added some store-bought Iris. I photographed the combined composition straight down on my light box, using…
This cougar head occupies a place of honor in Papa Hemingway’s dressing area at the Hemingway Museum in the suburbs of Havana, Cuba. Photo by Harold Davis. View this image…